On Friday I went in for my AFI and non-stress test appt in Richfield, the non stress was okay and the fluid level was very low. She tried so hard to find any fluid and measured me at 3cm of fluid- I had 6.5 two days prior. So...this doctor called that doctor and they said drive up north and get to the specialist...and plan on a baby tonight! So, after my minor freak out we packed our bags, said bye to Gavin and had Kyle give me a blessing. I cant say thanks enough for that! It is amazing how a blessing can calm nerves and make such a scary situation seem fine. Kurt and I drove up north and the specialist couldn't find any fluid. He said the best thing for me and the baby would be to deliver her. So we agreed and they checked me into the hospital. They told us that it would take a few hours before they were ready for my surgery, so I thought I had some time. Well 45 minutes later they said they were going to be getting me ready within 30 minutes. This is where I really freaked out!! I think my temp spiked to 300 degrees and I really thought about running! My cousin was able to come in and be my labor and delivery nurse- I was so happy to see her! She helped calm my nerves and it was a blessing to know this baby was being taken care of by her. So off we went to the OR to have Jenna born. It took about 15 minutes and they pulled her tiny little body out. She immediately started to cry- what a great sound. Everybody was so happy that she was crying and kept crying!! My surgery went really well and I am recovering great!
Jenna will be in the NICU for a week or two for a few things. She needs to be able to eat and digest the food. She was on a CPAP machine for a few hours after birth to help with her breathing, but they took that out rather quick. She has been breathing on her own since then. She is a very strong and amazing baby! Her IV lines are difficult so they have the IV in the top of her head, but they arent having to use it too much because she is now eating a full feeding through a tube that goes down her little nose. Her weight is good and she hasn't really lost much at all. We are waiting for a few tests to come back on her genetic problems. They are hoping they will show her capabilities so that we dont push her too hard or too little. She is doing amazingly well for being a premie and for her different choromosome problems.
All the doctors keep saying they can't explain her that she is just a miracle! She is overcoming so many obsticles already and she is only 3 days old! Now that we have met this little angel we know we were meant to be her parents and she was meant to be our daughter. Our Heavenly Father knows us and loves us and blesses our lives in different ways- this little girl is such a blessing to us and we just love her! We cant wait for her to meet Gavin, we know he already loves her so much!
Thanks to everyone for all their help we definitley could not have done all this alone!! We love you!!
congratulations on the safe arrival of baby Jenna! she is beautiful and definitely a miracle, I hope it's a speedy time in the NICU. we've been thinking of you all and are excited to meet the newest addition soon! let us know if we can do anything, even if we can play with gavin for a few hours.
She is absolutely beautiful. I cried the whole time I read this. We are so excited she is here, and can't wait to see her in person. You and Kurt are truly blessed.
Congratulations Kurt, Tara, and Gavin. You guys are truly blessed to have such a sweet angel join your family. I'm so happy for you guys:)
Congratulations! I am so glad that everything went well with the delivery. Reading this gave me cold chills and took me back to my experience, seems like we were just there. Parker was on the Cpap, had to have the IV in his head because of his lines and he struggled very much. You are in such great hands, if you have a nurse named Launa, they can't come any better!!! I am so grateful for her still to this day! I am glad to hear that she is doing well and making such great progress. Autumn Jensen
Congrats! She is beautiful and I'm glad to hear everything is going well and that she is progressing. I love your family and congrats again.
Congratulations on your sweet baby girl! She is a beautiful and surely a fighter! Good luck with everything!
Congrats...! she is a beutiful little angel. She is a lucky little girl to have a wonderful family like yours.
Congrats!! What a beautiful little miracle baby! You made me cry...again. I am so happy she is finally here and things went so good.
Congratulations!! What a micacle!!! I'm so happy that she's here and is doing well. She's so beautiful. If there is anything you need please let me know. I know our Heavenly Father works is misterious ways and I know that you will be wonderful parents to baby Jenna.
CONGRATS! (I'm katy's friend who has been giving me all your updates!) I'm so glad you've been such a trooper and I hope little Jenna continues to be sooooo good!! CONGRATS AGAIN!!
Wow Tara you just keep those surprises coming. Congrats!! She is so cute and I am glad that she is doing so well. Talk about the cold chills. We'll keep you in our prayers. You are truly blessed and deserve every one of them. MiShele
Glad everything went well! She is so cute!
Congratulations She is beatiful. I hope things keep getting better and you can come home soon and I can get to hold her.
Every time I read one of your posts, it makes me cry! Congrats! She is adorable.
If you ever need anything while you are up here let me know. I am only 10 minutes from the hospital.
Congratulations on your little miracle! She is beautiful! We are so happy for you.
Congrats Tara!! I am crying reading your post. She is a lucky little girl to have such an awesome mommy and daddy like the 2 of you! I am praying for the good news to keep coming.
Congratulations!!! She is such a cute little girl. I am so happy that everything has worked out for you guys. You guys will be the best parents that little girl could ever ask for! I can't wait to meet her.
Congratulations! We are so glad to hear that you and the baby are doing so good. We are so happy for y'all and can't wait to hear more about Jenna!
Congrats You two! I am so happy for you! Glad that baby jenna is here and that you are both doing well! :)
Congrats! I am so happy that everything is going well for both of you! She is beautiful and quite the little fighter. What a miracle baby!! Congrats again!
Oh, I just met her days ago and I love her so very much!! You guys are doing so great. I am proud of you both. I can't wait until Gav gets to sit and hold her. It won't be long. Let me know if you need anything, sis.
Tara congrats on such a sweet gift from God. She is so beautiful!!!!! Isn't modern medicine just amazing. What a blessing that Jenna is in the best care possible. Good luck with recovery and adjusting to two little ones. Were you able to get the blanket I made for Jenna? Can't wait to see more pictures!!!!
Tara I am amazed at your strength and beautiful attitude. Jenna will be a wonderful blessing to your little family and the nursey is all ready for you to come home too..we three mothers finally figured out the bassinet. Seriously you would think we had never done that before. We are excited to see you.
Congrats! She is truly a miracle baby. I can't wait to meet her!
Just wanted you both to know how much love Jenna has brought to our family already. She is already working miracles. Just think she is great-grandchild #15, grandpa Barton would be so happy. I am sure he already knows her and gave her a special message to impart to each of us. I just hope we are as much in tune as she is. I can't wait to get to love and hold her. Think when she get's home I'll have to spend time in Richfield. Today, your Mom and I printed a sweet picture of Jenna on my PictureMate. Gavin has been carrying it around, very lovingly. Love you All Nanny Bart
Congratulations! She is beautiful. I wish you all the best with your new little miracle and will keep you all in our prayres.
Congrats! I am glad to hear mom and baby are doing well! Good luck with everything. You must be really special parents to get such a precious gift. :)
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