Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh this boy just kills me! He is so hilarious lately! Sally gave me a snowman kit that was to be used on a real snowman. It had a scarf, hat, pipe, carrot nose, buttons and the whole nine yards. Well, Gavin loves it! Monday we weren't able to build a snowman because the snow is hard as ice. So Gavin decided to wear the attire. We went to get my hair cut and he had his hat (3 sizes to small) his scerf (scarf) and yes he had the pipe! Is it wrong for a 3 year old to have a pipe? He also added his goggles that came with his power tools. He wore it everywhere. He just cracks me up lately! I love him to pieces!


Peterson5 said...

He makes me laugh to I played a song on the piano and he come and told me that was a great song. He talks so grown up

Deby said...

What a handsome snowman! He is so hilarious in such a quiet simple way. I never knew he could dress up quite like that. I knew those goggles would come in handy for a lot of things. He tugs your heartstrings without even trying. He is always so grateful for every little thing that is done.

Tana said...

He is so freakin' cute!