I just want to say Happy Anniversary to my husband! Three years today!!! YEAH! It has been an amazing three years full of tonz of happiness! Kurt and I started dating 8 years ago- crazy I know! He proposed to be in December of 2004 and we were married in June! I love being married to him, he is my everything and I want him to know how much I love him! I can't thank him enough for ALL that he does for me, he is a wonderful husband- I feel very blessed to have such a great husband!
Happy Anniversary! I actually did remember that it was your anniversary before I read your blog. Celebrate!
Congratulations! Don't you just love being married!
Hi Tara
I just noticed you commented on my blog, of course I remember you! Your family has changed a lot since we moved, your baby is so cute! Don't you just love being a mom, I'm sure you are a great one!
Hey Tara! (Okay, I "ditto" everything the above commenter wrote".) It's funny how many people I actually remember from elementary school... you married Kurt! Obviously, it's been a while, but I can still remember a few things about you guys back in the day: (these are so random :^)
-Like how we played in your basement one day with nutty putty.
-and that Kurt (and I think Weston, Morgan, Trent, and Jed) played basketball during recess. (I even think I crashed their game once when I asked if I could play with them. I thought I was a superstar b-ball player ;^)
-and that you were so excited when your friend (I can't remember her name) moved back to Salina.
Anyway, fun times. Your little fam is so cute and Congrats on the anniversary!
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