Monday, June 2, 2008


I have been tagged so here it goes: How to play this game of tag. Post these rules on your blog. List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names

3 Joys

1. Watching my son Gavin grow up! He learns new things every day- he is amazing!
2. Being married to my best friend! Almost three years this month!!
3. Knowing my family is eternal- sounds corney- but it really makes me feel great!

3 Fears

2. Death (possibly because of the crickets?)
3. Not knowing what I am doing as a mother!

3 Goals

1. To raise Gavin to be a great person!
2. Loose the 15 extra pounds of baby weight! I am trying so HARD!
3. Going to the Temple once a month!

3 Current Obsessions

1. Painting the rest of my washroom and bathroom!
2. Walking and biking
3. My son and husband

3 Facts

1. I love to take pictures- I would love to be a photographer!
2. My car hates me! I am sure when I die it will be in that car!
3. I don't believe in dinasours!

Tag 5 people!!!!

I tag-

Ashley Belnap, Maradee Peterson, Susie Farnsworth, Karen Kunzler, Jeannie Bradshaw!!!

1 comment:

Karen Kunzler said...

Amen about loosing that extra baby weight. I have lost all of Loralee's, but have 10 to go from Shannon (got to love those kids :) ). I got your email about Gavin not crawling. BE GRATEFUL!!! Loralee started crawling at 6 MONTHS!!!! Life has gotten very crazy. Glad you guys are doing well.