Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mean Softball!!

Kurt has been playing softball this summer, this past Wednesday he had an accident with second base during their second game. He was running to second and he put all his weight on his left foot, well he rolled his ankle. If any of you reading this went to highschool with Kurt you know that this happened alot. This one however, has been more painful then the rest. He went to the ER that night and they said it was just badly sprained. Dr. B wanted him on cruches and to let it rest- ya right! That happened until we got home, cause Kurt of course knows more than the doctor!! It is still hurting him so we will be seeing a specialist next month to see about surgery on his ankles:) YEAH for us!!


Bev said...

Hey Tara found your Blog on Jeannies!! too cute and leave it to Kurt to hurt his foot!! Hope it gets better...:)

Amy Rosquist said...

you should see the other guy

Karen Kunzler said...

That looks HORRIBLE!!!! I have realized MOST men always KNOW more than the DR. that went to YEARS of schooling :)!!!!