Friday, September 26, 2008

So the other day I was doing my hair and Gavin was playing, I noticed it got quiet and so I went to find him. He was sitting in the kitchen throwing dog food EVERYWHERE!!! I said his name and he looked at me like he had done nothing. The dog also looked at me like get this kid to give me back my food!!! After I got mad at Gav, he started doing it again!!! He has been so good not to touch the food until now!! What a sneek:)

Happy Birthday

I forgot to post this last week. I just wanted to wish Kurt a Happy Birthday last week. We went to STG for the weekend for a get away- we had a lot of fun. I love him so much and want him to know how greatful I am for him, he is a wonderful Father and Husband! Happy Birthday!

Friday, September 19, 2008

This is Gavin's new place to get into. He crawls right to the bathroom and takes everything out of the bottom drawer! I normally don't mind because I will remove the Q-tips first, but he snuck out of his room and did this the other night! He was so happy so I let him play for a while:)

Friday, September 5, 2008

I thought that this picture was really cute. Gavin loves his Grandma and the time he gets to spend with her. We are glad that she is so close that we can visit her whenever we want. We love you!
1. I was 4 and in preschool
2. I was playing My Little City with my dad
3. I was sporting the crimped hair do- bangs included when dad did it

1. I was in 8th grade.
2. I was worried about going to highschool
3. I was sad that one of our friends passed away.

1. I graduated with my Associates from Dixie State.
2. I was living in STG and loving it!
3. I was still trying to get Kurt to ask me to marry him! (I still waited for 2 more years)

1. I finally married my best friend......Kurt:)
2. We moved back to Richfield - I was sad:(
3. I bought my first home

1. I was blessed with my son Gavin!
2. I was trying really hard to learn how to be a mom.
3. I quit job to be a stay at home mom! I love it

1. We took our first family vacation to San Diego.
2. I started working out with my two great friends! They keep me going!
3. I have enjoyed watching my son and husband and our dog Roy too!

1. I spent the day with Kurt and Gav.
2. I went to the Manti Temple
3..I cleaned my house and started reading the Host again.

1. I went to work
2. I went on a bike ride
3. I went to my moms so Kurt could help with the roof

1. I will be back to my moms to help some more.
2. I need to do some more laundry.
3. I might go to Provo tomorrow night.

1. I hope to go to Hawaii.
2. My baby will be 2- so crazy.
3. I am not sure, guess we will wait and see;)

Well that was fun!!! Now I tag anybody who hasn't done this tag and would like to :)