Friday, September 19, 2008

This is Gavin's new place to get into. He crawls right to the bathroom and takes everything out of the bottom drawer! I normally don't mind because I will remove the Q-tips first, but he snuck out of his room and did this the other night! He was so happy so I let him play for a while:)


.. said...

He is a cute little boy!

Brooke said...

BOYS!! What a cutie. My blog is now private, but you can send me your email at so I can invite you. Thanks!!

Shala said...

It only gets worse! I had to put locks on all the drawers and cupboards with Hannah. She had such a problem with getting into everything and I was constantly putting stuff back. Good luck with Gavin, I bet he will do the same. Miss you!

The Belnaps said...

at least they weren't tampons :)

The Belnaps said...

sorry I totally said the "T" word