Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This post is more for me to vent about Gavin's ear problems! They are getting the better of us! Gavin is 17 months old and has had 13 ear infections, seems a bit much right??? When he was 7 months old he had already had 6, so the ENT decided he needed tubes, I was glad to finally have healthy ears! Well, that lasted a whole TWO months!! Since the tubes Gavin has had 6 infections! I took him back to the ENT that we go to and he acted like I was just being a wacko mother!! So I changed doctors and this new doctor is GREAT! He is in Payson and I really like him. He is going to put new tubes in Gavin's ears, a better kind of tube so they will hopefully last longer and he is going to also take out is Adnoids. I am so happy, most people tell me having the adnoids removed will improve his ears a ton!! Lets hope!! Yesterday, I took him to the doctor and guess what....another ear infection!!! This one is really hurting him, he is so clingy and his poor nose wont stop running!! I just want this one to clear up and then he has his surgery February 5th!! So I am hoping and praying we will be in the clear for a while after that !!!!

Last night he felt so miserable so I handed him a chocolate pudding and put him in his highchair and said have at it!! He didn't eat it at all, he just smeared it everywhere! But for 10 minutes he was happy and not sad! So it was worth it!


The Jolley Family said...

Oh poor Gavin! I hope the surgery goes well and he feels better soon. Oh and there is no denying where he belongs, he looks just like a Heath! Good luck with everything!

Tennille said...

Good luck with everything! It is never fun having a sick kid and I hope his surgery will solve the problem for good.

Amy B. said...

Holy Crap...sounds like my Taylor, she had an ear infection every 6 weeks forever and now that she's
10, she still gets them sometimes...hopefully your new Doc will be able to bring you some peace and get Gavin pain free...

susiefarns said...

Having his adenoids out will help. Jace did and he hasn't had an ear infection for a whole year and his tubes are still where they should be. I hope everything goes well.

The Belnaps said...

Maradee told me all about it. I'm sorry you are having to deal with all of that. Hopefully after the surgery, things will be much better. Good Luck