Jenna has been doing so good! She is on 12 hour request today, which means that she has to wake up on her own to eat her feedings. We went at 8am this morning and she woke up right before 9am and we fed her a bottle and she drank the whole thing, they will now let her go until 1pm for her next feeding. If she does this good, then we will go on 24 hour request and stay over at the hospital. For that request she has too take all her feedings (required amount of ML a day). We are really hoping that she will do wonderful and we will be able to take her home within the next few days!
YAY! I get to hold her first =] I can't wait!!
YAY! I am so excited for you!!!!! Go miracle baby! She's the best! AND SO STINKIN' CUTE!! :) Jackie - Katy's Friend
That is such good news! That means you are almost out of there!! :) YEAH! It is so much fun to stay overnight with them, and have them in the same room as you!
Yeah for the Heath family! I remember the overnight it is a way scary but so exciting experience! It will be SO fun to have you home and Healthy!
Yay, I can't wait! Won't it be so nice to sleep in your own bed.
Great News Tara! I can't wait to meet her....I know, I know, I will have to wait in line. But I saw that pic you sent Amy of Jenna in the cool pink shades...and I just wanna squeeze her! It was adorable!
That is SO great!!!! I am excited to hear how she does. We will continue to pray for her. I loved the sunglass picture. SO cute!!!
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