Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Visit from Grandma Johnson

Grandma Johnson has been in Utah for the past couple weeks, and we were so glad that she came to Salina for the weekend! We all went bowling and had so much fun! Gavin loved throwing the ball and watching the pins go down. Grandma made the mistake of giving him a treat, after he had one he sat and starred at her until she surrendered all the candy to him! Later that day we all went to El Mex, my favorite!!! Then on Sunday we all got together for dinner! We all miss Grandma so much and LOVE when she comes to visit! I had to get a 4 generation picture with her, Dad, Jenn and me. Thanks Vance so much for letting Grandma come visit for such a long time, we are sure you miss her:)


The Belnaps said...

Funny thing that I don't think I've ever seen your dad..You must get your good looks from him :)Gotta love those generation photos

Brooke said...

I love Jenna's dress! I bought one for my baby!! So cute!!

Scott and Deby said...

Hey to the Belnaps. That was uncalled for. The MOM. haha! Just kidding! Adorable pics. Grandma looks so little and fragile. It was good having her here with us.