Saturday, June 11, 2011

Family News

The last few years at the Heath house have been...somewhat...well down right crazy! We have had lots happen in our lives and our most recent happening is that we are moving. Kurt left AT&T the end of January and was hired on with Express Locations the first of May. He will be working as the store manager in the Layton Hills Mall selling T-Mobile. He has already been working up there since May 1st and really likes this new company and the people he works with. I am so proud of him and thankful for all he does for our family! I have stayed in Richfield, trying to sell our house. Which is proving to be a huge task! I just keep praying that it will sell so we can get moved and be together as a family. Gavin mainly wants to move so he can go to "bagoon" or as most of us call it Lagoon. He said that the for sale sign says "for sale to go to bagoon." He cracks me up!

We are really excited about this new adventure and we really need it. I think this will be a good move for us and bring us closer as a family.


Tennille said...

I remember being in the same boat a few years ago, it's not fun. I hope your house will sell quickly and I'm excited for your new adventure (I'm sure you have quite a few sad neighbors.) Good Luck w/ everything

Karen Kunzler said...

How exciting!!! I hope you are able to sell your house soon so you can all be together and of course go to bagoon :-)!!!!

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