Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Most of you will think that this post is crazy, however I LOVE my dog! Today Roy is 4 years old! I want to tell him Happy Birthday! Kurt and I got Roy when he was 3 months old, and I thought that I was going to go crazy trying to train him and get him to sleep at night. Roy was born the day before we got married so we knew we needed to buy him, it was a sign:) I have loved having Roy in our home, we treat him like a child! In fact I refer to him as my first son, Gavin is the second child:) Roy and Gavin get along great and because of that I think Gavin has learned to love other dogs and animals and not be afraid of them! When I read the book Marley and ME I said to Kurt that I could have written that book! It seemed like everything that happened to them happened to us- and the love of a sweet animal helps you through a lot of tough times! When Kurt worked out of town I was so glad we had Roy! He is my little companion! Dogs really are a woMANS best friend:) Happy Birthday Roy!!


Katelyn said...

Happy Birthday Roy!!!

susiefarns said...

I don't think this post is crazy at all. Nelson wonders sometimes if I love Oliver more than him. My doggies are my best pals.