Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Today we went to Provo for yet another doctor appointment. We were supposed to meet with the delivery doctor and also do a non stress test and measure my fluid, key word supposed to! The fluid level was lower than it should be so we ended up meeting with the specialist who did another ultrasound and measurements. Jenna is measuring a little small (5lbs) and there isn't a lot of amniotic fluid. So...he scheduled a C-section for September 21st. I will go in early that morning and do another amnio to make sure her lungs are developed and if so we will be having a baby around 12pm that day!!! YIKES! I think I might freak out:) That is 3 weeks earlier than expected-so we are going to be working like crazy to get things ready for this little girl to join our family!!


Jeannie said...

Tara good luck on everything i have been thinking about ya! BTY I love the name Jenna it was on my list FOREVER til i got a mother in law named Jana..

Tom and B said...

good luck tara! we'll be praying that everything goes ok.

Cindy said...

Good luck! you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure everything will work out fine.

Brooke said...

Super exciting that you get to meet her soon!! We will be thinking about ya! Good luck with everything!!!

Tana said...

Oh STRESS! Good luck with everything. I cannot wait to meet her! Let me know if you need ANYTHING! LOve ya!

Mindy said...

Good Luck Tara!! I can't wait to meet miracle baby Jenna! If you need anything, please let me know...we would love to steal Gavin away to play with the boys if you ever need some bonding/sleeping/peace and quiet time.

Brasher family said...

Hey Tara! I just read on Amy and Krista's blogs that you had Baby Jenna! Congrats! It is so great to hear that both of you are doing well. I can't wait to see pictures of your new baby girl!

Congrats again!

Ashley DeMille said...

Yay!!! I am so excited for you guys. Let me know if you need any help with Gavin!