Monday, November 1, 2010

Jenna's Surgery

Friday morning was Jenna's cochlear implant surgery. The surgery took about 2.5 hours and went very well! She has a little different anatomy in her ears. The doctor felt like he was able to get the implant right where it needed to be. We stayed over Friday night at Primary Children's and we were able to come home Saturday just in time to take Gav trick-or-treating!

They will activate the implant on December 7th! What an awesome Christmas present this will be!! I can't wait!

Big thank you to Nanny Bart and my parents for taking care of Gavin! It is always so hard to have to leave him, I am glad we have such great family to help us!


Ryan and Amber said...

Your little girlie is adorable and you're probably wondering who the heck I am so let me just say that I am Amber - a friend of Ashley Belnap's and I like to see your cute little angel! Check out this blog (which I think you will especially like!) I learned of it from my cousin who has an angel in her home too!

Amy Rosquist said...

Those pictures make me cry!

Deby said...

Those are some of the saddest pics I've seen. She is such a little trooper. She did so well and I can't wait for her "sound to be turned on". What a miracle.

Heather Vincent said...

Your daughter is truly an angel!!! So beautiful!!! My name is Heather. I can't remember where I came across your blog from...but, my daughter was in the NICU and I think I came across your blog from that experience. Anyway, my best friends daughter has a cochlear implant. She got hers when she was around 10 years old; she is 20 now. I will never forget the day they turned her sound on and she could hear. It was amazing! She did get TONS of headaches at first, but she is one amazing young lady. She learned to read lips as she is the only one in her family who is deaf. Today, she works for Sorensen Media in SL, lives out on her own and is going to school full time at the U. I am excited to see how she responds to hearing her mommy's voice for the first time...I am even more excited to see your joy when she is able to hear you!!! Truly miraculous!!!
Oh yeah, I am just up the road from you a little Gunnison. :)